Our Team

Meet our team.

Stamm Web Creations, LLC. is dedicated to providing a high level of customer service. Contact us to answer your questions and concerns about your website / marketing campaign.

Greg Stamm (Founder):

Greg is the Founder of Stamm Web Creations, LLC. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Marketing from the University of Central Oklahoma.  Greg has twenty years of website development experience and seven years of business experience in offering dynamic websites, catered to meet the client’s business needs.

Email: [email protected]

Linda Sue Stamm (Customer Relations, Finance Manager, and Hiring Manager)

Linda Stamm is the Customer Relations Manager, Finance Manager, and Hiring Manager for  Stamm Web Creations, LLC. Linda specializes in working with customers to find the right web services to meet customer needs. Linda has experience in finance, networking, and HR. Linda also does an amazing job of hiring individuals that have an amazing work ethic and punctuality.